Ongoing Speed Support

Maintain a lightning-fast user experience for your website.
Website Speed Plan
Ongoing Speed Support
Image Optimization 
Internal Code Optimization
External Code Optimization
New Plugin Optimization
Font Optimization
Database Optimizations
PHP Version Update
Monthly Report

Website Maintenance Plan
Speed, Security, and Software Updates.

Plugin, Theme, and Core Updates 
Sucuri Website Firewall  
Secure URL Update

Image Optimizations

This will include Scaling, Compressing, and Converting any new images to the latest format.

Internal Code Optimization

Any new CSS or JS will be moved to the “Add Custom CSS” widget in your theme.

Added Plugin Optimizations

This will include optimizing new plugins that may be added onto the website.

External Script Optimization

We will identify any new third-party scripts and either Defer, Prefetch DNS, or Locally host them, depending on the script.

Font Optimizations

We will identify any new Third-party fonts or Icon fonts coming from Google, Font Awesome, Adobe Type Kit and preload them through your default caching plugin)

Database Optimizations

We will optimize the latest post revisions, drafts, and comments. We’ll also identify and convert any new database tables to InnoDB from MyISAM.

PHP Version Update

We will either update or consult with your Hosting company to update your PHP version once a new update is available. The latest PHP version is typically 10% faster than the previous version.

Software Updates

We will update the plugins, theme, and WP Core versions.  Updates will be made at the end of each month and tested for quality on staging server before making the latest versions live.

WooCommerce Support

Advanced support for WooCommerce websites include Advanced Product Image Optimization and Advanced Database Optimizations.

Sucuri Website Firewall

Sucuri’s firewall protects websites at the DNS level, which means they stop spammers and hackers before they are able to reach your website.

Website URL Update

We will change the WordPress URL from the standard /wp-admin/ to protect against spammers and bots. 

Monthly Report

We will include a monthly report showing your active speed for the

Free Website Speed Analysis

and strategy plan
Full plugin audit
Theme audit
Hosting review
Images audit
Third-party fonts audit
Locally hosted & third-party 
video audit
Caching audit
External JS code audit
Database Audit


Book a call with us below to discuss our PageSpeed ongoing support options and how we can help. 

Copyright, 2023. PageSpeed Matters, LLC
